Matthews Park Silver Maple Reclaimed, Tree Donated to Fill its “Roots”
The year was 1916 and World War 1 was building. Here at home in Minneapolis, on land that was once slated to become the Minnesota State Fair Grounds, a large Silver Maple dropped its thousands of “Helicopter” seeds. One seed took root and a Silver Maple was born.
Over the years – in its home at Matthews Park – this beautiful tree witnessed many events including picnics, fairs, school children at play, and the couple that became engaged beneath its branches.
Due to insects, disease, and the subsequent rotting of its trunk, it had to be taken down to protect the people that have known it for the past 93 years.
But as Arnold would say, “I’ll be back.” And that it was…
Cindy and Rick of “Wood From The Hood” saw the Silver Maple, marked for removal, while walking in their neighborhood park. They decided to give it new life by creating custom wood products to be sold at the King’s Fair in this same park. Proceeds from the sale of these items were then used to support a tree planting event in Matthews Park with the help of Minneapolis Park Board, Kandiyohi, Metro Wood Recyclers and Bratt Tree Co.
Chris Robbins
April 8, 2013 at 9:41 amI was happy to hear your story on NPR. In 2002-2004, I worked for the City of Minnetonka, & part of my job was working with builders to decide which trees to preserve, then having protective fencing placed around them. But in the area in and around the homesite, many huge and beautiful trees (mostly oaks) were cut down. I asked a forester once if they could be made into products, and he said no, because the mills are set up to process smaller size trees. It was bad enough seeing those trees go down, worse to know that what should be valuable wood was going to waste. I hope you are getting in touch with people there to salvage some of that beautiful wood.
April 18, 2013 at 3:17 pmThanks for the heads up. We will see what we can find out in Minnetonka.